When thinking about Spring I immeditely smile. The sun shining, birds singing and most of all spending the days outside in the sunshine. That is what has been happening all weekend.... sunshine.. finally!
As I walk out of my dorm I see kites flying, friends laying outside doing homework, and people passing by on bikes, rollerblades, or even just walking. This is how i know it is spring outside. Classes seem to pass by a little faster and free time is always spent outside. =)
The beauty of this campus just takes my breath away.
Enough about spring. Classes have picked up since Spring Break and soon it will be Easter break. WOW has time gone by. It just seems like yesterday when I was packing up to move to Bluffton and in 5 weeks or so I will be moving home for the summer. So much has happened that I will be able to look back on and remember for ever. Nights that friends just stayed up talking, singing to no music while walking down the snowy streets, the Blizzard of 07', Homecoming, Retreats, and just meeting new people. How could anything get any cooler?
This past weekend is one that will be remembered as well. Lil Sibs weekend. Unfortunately I am the little sib, but I still got to hang out with my friends brothers.! and coming from an all girls house..this was interesting. I had to adjust to playstation and basketball... something that wasnt very frequent in our house as a child. This weekend was filled with events for the siblings but also us without them too. Friday night.. Live Band Karoke.. SWEET! One word to describe it. Sooo much fun and a lot of laughter. :D Saturday they had a lot of games and a rock wall. They just seemed to plan everything around these siblings. This is also a time to actuallly show the little brother or sister that school can be cool. This past weekend I heard so many....
"You live with your friends? and hang out all the time?? this is so cool"
"Yes, Stephen.. college is cool!"
So after a long weekend it is back to classes... but it is also.... one day closer to summer... and another day that can be spent in the Sunshine!! :D
Happy March.- it is almost over!-
God Bless